Help Patents

Search terms

Search terms and options are described in more detail below.


Search terms can include * or ?
* is used for any number of characters; ? stands for a single character (or none; i.e. truncation).

Exact word search using “…“

More than one word or sequence can be entered in search fields. This results in an AND/OR search (i.e., the results display all entries which match at least one of the words independently of the order in which they were entered in the mask).
To show only patents containing an exact match of the words or word sequence entered, use double quotation marks ("…").

Logical operators

Multiple keywords can be connected by the Boolean operators (AND or OR) in some of the search fields. Using AND results in only entries containing all of the keywords. If OR is used, the search will find all entries with at least one of the keywords.
Using operators overrides the default search mode. The default operator for most search fields is OR. Title text searches and owner, agent, and inventor name searches use AND as the default operator. Search fields with selectable drop downs (combo box) and the priority number search field do not allow operators. The search fields can be connected using AND. In other words, when the same key word is used in several search fields, only results containing all of these will be shown.

Patent type

Use this to specify the patent type (national patent = CH; European patent = EP
CH = patent granted and published application by Switzerland
EP = European patent granted designating CH/Liechtenstein
All = CH and EP

Publication No.

Searches for a number or number range. Swiss and European patents have the same numbers, therefore, it is essential to include CH or EP ahead of the number.
Keywords without CH or EP will result in an error message, as will an entry with too many spaces. Zeros at the beginning of a number can be disregarded or included.
Format for a number search: CH689101/EP00985189
Format for a range search: CH689101-CH690000; EP00985189-EP00990000

Publication date of CH application

Restricts the search to published CH applications with a certain grant date. A date range is also possible.
The year must be a four-digit number.
Attention: CH applications will only be published from 01.07.2008
1.10.2008, 5.10.2008-10.10.2008

Grant date

Restricts the search to patents with a certain grant date. A date range is also possible. The year must be a four-digit number.
1.10.2005, 5.10.2005-10.10.2005

Type of publication

Searches for published CH-applications (from 01.07.2008) and CH-patents (Grant from 01.01.2007) with Kind Codes.
The new codes which will be applied when the amendment enters into force on 01.07.2008 are as follows:

New codes Current codes Description (INID 12) Type of publication
A1 Patent application Patent application including search report
A2 Patent application Patent application without search report
A3 Patent application Separate search report with first page of patent application
A8 Patent application Rectified first page of A document
A9 Patent application Rectified A document
B1 A5 Patent specification Granted patent Patent specification
B2 Patent specification Modified patent
B8 A8 Patent specification Rectified first page of B document
B9 A9 Patent specification Rectified B document
C1 C1 Patent specification Partial withdrawal of Swiss patent
C2 C2 Patent specification Partial annullment of Swiss patent
C3 C3 Patent specification Second partial withdrawal of Swiss patent
C9 C9 Patent specification Rectified C Document
H1 H1 Patent specification Partial withdrawal of European patent granted for Switzer-land
H2 H2 Patent specification Partial annullment of European patent granted for Switzer-land
H3 H3 Patent specification Second partial withdrawal of European patent granted for Switzerland
H9 H9 Patent specification Rectified H document

Kind Code

Searches entering a Kind Code

Application No.

Searches for a single number or a number range. Only those patents which have already been granted are in the database. Pending patents are not included in Swissreg.
Format for CH application number: CH358/1994
Format for EP application number: EP00109209
CH or EP must precede the number. The year must be a four-digit number. Zeros at the beginning of a number may be disregarded.

Filing date

Restricts the search with a certain application date. A date range may also be used. Remember: only published CH applications and patents which have already been granted are in the database. Unpublished patent applications are not included in Swissreg. The year must be a four-digit number.
1.10.2005, 5.10.2005-10.10.2005

Expiration of maximum protection date

Patents are valid for a maximum period of 20 years after the application date. When this expires, they are permanently cancelled. The maximum period of protection is only valid if the annual fees have been paid up to the last year. In most cases, patents are cancelled earlier than the last date because of non-payment of fees.
Use this search to look for patents with a particular final expiration date. This date is fixed before the protection expires and included in Swissreg. This search can also find patents which won’t expire until a future date. Date ranges can be used. The year must be a four-digit number.
1.10.2005, 5.10.2005-10.10.2005

Cancellation date

Searches with a certain cancellation date. Date ranges can also be used.
1.10.2005, 5.10.2005-10.10.2005

Applicant/Owner name

Searches showing a particular applicant/owner name.

Title text search

Searches for a word or sequence of words in a title.

Applicant/Owner status (widget)

Search by name of current or previous applicant/owner.

Applicant/Owner city

Searches showing a particular city for the applicant/owner.

Applicant/Owner country (widget)

Searches showing a particular country for the applicant/owner.

Agent name

Searches showing a certain agent.

Agent city

Searches showing a particular city for the agent.


Searches showing a particular inventor name.

Inventor city

Searches showing a particular city for the inventor.

Priority country

Searches showing a certain country of priority.

Priority No.

Searches with a certain priority number. The priority number should be given as exactly as possible. Wildcards are allowed.

Priority date

Searches with a particular priority date. The year must be a four-digit number.
1.10.2005, 5.10.2005-10.10.2005

IPC classification

More information concerning the International Patent Classifications (IPC) can be found at:

Search for patents with a particular IPC classification (including detailed classifications) or IPC ranges (as long as they are within the individual IPC sections A01-A99, A03-A09 and not A01 – C99). Spaces are not allowed within an IPC classification number. A search can generally be started with the section. Example A finds all IPC classes in section A. A99 shows all IPC classes in section A, class 99, etc. Range searches can be done within the same level, however, they are only useful at the class level because there is no cross-section range search possible. Example: A01-A50 finds all classes within section A and class 1-50. Wildcards * and ? cannot be used.

PCT application No.

Use the PCT application number to search for published CH applications , CH or EP patents which have been granted based on an international application (PCT) designating Switzerland and Liechtenstein. PCT applications for CH applications which have not yet been published and CH or EP patents which have not yet been granted are not listed in Swissreg, but can be found at the WIPO website or Espacenet as soon as the application has been published. A PCT application number consists of:
a designation: „PCT“
a separator: „/“
a two-letter country code: „DE“
a separator: „/“
a four-digit year: 1995
a six-digit number: 001353
Example: PCT/DE1995001353

PCT Publication number

Use the PCT publication number (WO) to search for CH or EP patents which have been granted based on an international PCT application designating Switzerland and Liechtenstein. PCT applications for CH applications which have not yet been published and CH or EP patents which have not yet been granted are not listed in Swissreg but can be found at the WIPO website or Espacenet as soon as the application has been published. A PCT publication number consists of the following:
Publication abbreviation: „WO“
Four-digit year: 1996
Six-digit number: 011415
Example: WO1996011415

Publication date

Use this to restrict the search for publications of patents and published Swiss patent applications on a certain date or time period (range search). The year must be a four-digit number. This search can only be made for publication from 01.07.2008. Usually no more than 500 results are displayed. However if the search is restricted to a certain publication date, all matches will be displayed.
1.10.2008, 5.10.2008-10.10.2008

Publication reason

Restricts the search to any patents for which this particular publication reason was given. The search can be further restricted with other search terms, in particular publication date, so that the results list only displays patents and published CH applications, where it can be proven that the publication reason occurred at a particular time or during a particular time period.

Official language

Searches for all official languages or only one.


Searches according to a particular status.

Select format

Use this option to select how the results list should be displayed. The format can be modified for each results list. There are two possibilities:

  • Publication view: This option is advisable only when you want to follow the publications.
  • Register view: This option is best for most cases.
  • Columns: Only default columns are available in the publication view. In the register view, it is possible to select some of the columns. Important differences between the two formats:
  • Sort by: The register view allows you to choose how to sort the results yourself; the publication view is preset and the patents are grouped first according to publication reason and then, within the grouping, according to publication date.
  • Multiple listings: The register view displays each patent exactly. The publication view displays each patent every time there is a corresponding publication.

Results per page

This option is only available in the register view. The publication view always displays all of the results corresponding to a publication reason on one page.

Display columns

The results list columns can be displayed or hidden in the register view, with the exception of the publication number and the icon linking the patent documents which are always displayed (In the publication view all columns are preset).

Display empty results list

The default setting for the check box ‘Display empty results list’ is not activated meaning that lists with no matches will not be shown. If the check box is activated ahead of time, zero results will also be shown and the search can be saved in MyPage (for example, a monitoring).